I’m moving in a different direction. Thanks for being part of this and if you enjoy my words, I’d love you to visit my new site A passionate life
We all take communication for granted. After all, most of us talk, write, read, listen, engage online and non-verbally without really thinking about how we are communicating.
Effective communication however, is a different story. It's when we are aware of ourselves, the messages we are sending and receiving, and how they are being received and understood by others, that we start to engage meaningfully.
In this space we explore how we engage with the world and look at ways to become more effective communicators.
My aim is to open the discussion on how we can enrich our relationships, find pleasure in our interactions, and communicate in a meaningful way.
For now, I am taking a hiatus from writing in this space. If you enjoy my words, please visit my new site at A passionate life
Thanks for visiting!
Featured posts

The writer’s rush hour commute
Monday has arrived. After a weekend away from the page, settling back into the routine of writing is a difficult task. The route back to that inner world, the writer’s life, the life of the imagination, is so fraught with distractions it can sometimes be difficult to traverse.

Flirting for fun and well-being
Innately, we all want to be noticed. We flirt to make a connection and to determine the level of interest by others. Flirting lends a frisson of excitement, a bit of fun to the game of life.